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Pathway in Eucalyptus Grove

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is Coaching Right for Me?

What if I just need someone to talk to?

Coaching is conversational. In order for the Coach-client relationship to work, there needs to be open discussion, processing, and brainstorming. There may be days where you’re stuck in a rut and find you need to talk through an issue, and that’s ok. There may even be days it's all you can do to show up, and that's ok too! However, Coaching is not talk-therapy. If you are needing a consistent place to vent, revisit the past, and focus on the “why” of the past with someone offering advice or intervention- Coaching is not for you. Coaches are not advice boards and allow for a client-led relationship.

What can’t you do as a coach?

Coaches, unlike therapists, cannot treat trauma, as we do not operate under a medical model of care but rather client-led support. Coaches cannot prescribe, give advice for, or alter medications. We cannot treat or diagnose mental health. We cannot work with clients who are harming themselves, others, or are at risk of suicide. This is when a therapist is necessary. As a Coach, I do not work with clients who are currently using drugs, or are at risk of harm due to an eating disorder and do not have professional support. Coaches cannot work with individuals suffering a mental health crisis or are mentally unstable.

If You’re Ready to Overcome…

If you are ready to work with someone who will support you in your healing journey as you overcome life-altering obstacles, someone who will help you create a new mindset and outlook on life unlimited by what past traumatic events, fear or self-doubt have lead you to believe, then coaching through Refuge Life Services is right for you!


Coaching for Mental Health Support & Self-Care

What does Coaching entail for mental health support and self-care?

Coaching for this area consists of tuning the vagus nerve and working with the nervous system as needed, creating a powerful mindset and filtering through any limiting or damaging belief systems, and learning holistic ways to support the brain, mind and soul as well as in-depth self-care habits and routines. There is no treatment, handling of medication, or medical advice involved.


Coaching for Past Trauma

What is a trauma-informed coach?

A Trauma-informed (or otherwise referred to as trauma-educated) Coach is a Coach working within any niche who has gone through education and even training in how to work with a trauma survivor. It means the Coach has been informed or educated on how trauma effects the present, how to support the client and lead them into a psychologically safe place, and how to avoid re-traumatizing individuals seeking support.

What’s the difference between a therapist and a trauma-informed coach?

A Coach, including one working with trauma survivors, will always be focused on the impact on the present and future, whereas a therapist may want to delve into the impacts trauma had on the client as a child or spend time working through the past. A good Coach will ask, “how is the traumatic event impacting you today?” While a therapist may be focused on clinically assessing and intervening regarding resulting behaviors and beliefs, Coaches specifically focus on building healthy beliefs, habits, and forward-moving goals in partnership with the client.

Do you specialize in a certain modality while working with trauma survivors?

Yes! As a Mindset Coach, I believe we can make greater strides through changing our mindset than we often could if we just changed the situation. After all, most situations are outside of our control. However, as a Somatic and Polyvagal-informed Coach, I have found that we often have to work with the body and its connection to the brain, before the brain is ready for progress. In the event that I am working with someone with past trauma, I first want to gauge the nervous system through the vagus nerve and help bring the body back to a place of “rest and digest,” before doing the deep mindset work.

What if I’m currently experiencing trauma?

If you are currently experiencing ongoing trauma, such as abuse or neglect, now is the time to seek professional help. Please see a therapist for support and intervention. Coaching is not the right fit if trauma is current and ongoing.


Coaching for Those In Recovery

Just as mindset makes its way into all areas of my coaching, so it does for those in recovery from drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, etc. Together we discover somatic routines that connect the body to the mind, self-care, and create powerful mindsets for overcoming addiction. Together we create a healthy lifestyle that leads to staying in recovery, with accountability for attending any meetings, etc.

As a coach, I require all clients seeking support in recovery to already be sober, have successfully gone through a program, and be attending meetings. For those recovering from eating disorders, I require all clients to have a therapist, doctor, or eating disorder specialist they are working with alongside coaching.



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